然而,第二天温颂刚一下班回到家,Brenda就有些为难地走上前对她说道:“Professor, Astrid rejected eating dinner, she said she only wanted to eat meal cooked by Mr. Cheng.”
温颂皱了下眉,对Brenda说:“As a childminder, it's your responsibility to keep Astrid from fussy about food. If you can't do that, I have the option of hiring another childminder who can manage that.”
“I’m sorry…”Brenda低下头说,“But Astrid wasn’t fussy about food. I’m afraid maybe she’s just not used to other people's cooking.”
“It’s not the reason.”温颂又皱了下眉,对Brenda说,“just leave her alone. She’ll eat when she feels hungry.”